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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nugget the Big Red Rooster

Nugget the Big Red Rooster (Picture Book)

Pg. 1 One day, in the barn at the Webb's farm, two little brown eggs hatched.
Pg. 2 The first little chick was tiny, with no feathers on her neck at all, and the rest of her baby feathers were a pretty black color. She had a little black hat on her head too.
Pg. 3 The other little chick wasn't so tiny! In fact, he was huge! He had bright yellow fluffy baby feathers and long, long legs. His legs were so long that the first little chick could walk right underneath him!
Pg. 4 The two little chicks became the best of friends, the tiny little one's name was Woo, and the big little one's was Nugget, because he looked like a little gold nugget when he was hatched.
Pg. 5 As they grew up together Nugget kept growing, and growing,, and growing!
Pg. 6 But little Woo grew a little more, and then stopped right there. She was so tiny she could walk under Nugget and not even bump her little head.
Pg. 7 In the farmyard were other chickens too.
Pg. 8 There was Blue Rooster, he was the boss! He would stand on top of anything he could and he would crow so loud you could hear him all over the farm.
Pg. 9 Blue Rooster let Nugget tag along with him as he walked around the barnyard making sure that all the other chickens were where they were supposed to be.
Pg. 10 The hens had an area all of their own where they laid their eggs, and Farmer Webb picked them up and took them in the farmhouse.
Pg. 11 They had a beautiful house the called their coop. It was so nice inside! It had nice warm straw to snuggle down into lay their eggs. It also had two wooden bars called perches, so they could sit on them and sleep safely at night.
Pg. 12 Outside of the coop was a nice big area with a strong fence around it, to help keep the nice chicken ladies safe. There was door on the side that opened up into the barnyard so the hens could scratch around and find little treats to snack on.
Pg. 13 Every now and then one would find a really tasty treat and take off running so no one else could take her treat! All the other hens would chase her around the yard, trying to steal the treat away, but in the end, they all shared their treats.
Pg. 14 To Be Continued

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