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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Education, Bullies, Parents, Teachers,,, others

I always find it interesting when someone with no children in school tells me how bad the educational system is, how bad and uncaring the teachers are, and how horrible the bully problem is in ALL schools and NO teachers do anything about it. And they know all this how? Oh yeah,, a friend with kids told them all about it and of course their word is gospel. This friend who shall remain nameless knows all about all schools, and all teachers, me included I'm sure.

Now I know as well as the next person that not all schools or teachers are perfect,, but I also know of a lot of parents who should have been sterilized at birth! When you look at the numbers there are a lot more parents then teachers out there, and as a teacher I have to deal with an average of 25 to 30 of those parents a year! I smile, grit my teeth, and resist the urge to drag them across the conference table, slap them, and tell them to "parent up" and take responsibility for their progeny and for themselves!

You know, not only am I a teacher, I'm a parent too! I do understand where parents are coming from when they get on their soapbox, but I have a really big soapbox and on one side I'm a parent, on the other I'm a teacher.

Before you go attack a teacher, be sure you've done your homework too; crow is hard to swallow!