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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mona Lisa Smiles

I just watched Mona Lisa Smiles again for the umpteenth time. There is just something about watching the change in both Katherine Watson and the girls there at Wellesley that touches me. The idea of Ms. Watson trying to go to such a tradition driven school, and show those girls that there is more to life than a good marriage a center hall Colonial and babies is admirable in one way, but foolish in another. The girls do see a change on the horizon, especially Betty who finds herself in that marriage every girl dreams of but it's to a husband with the accepted mistress in NY! She writes some horrible editorials, costing one staff member her job and getting Ms. Watson in trouble too. The character of Giselle,, she and Connie are my favorites and I guess I can empathize with them. Always looking for acceptance, not seeing it when you find it, and being unable to face what you really are or are becoming. For Giselle, it's when she sees her beloved Italian professor for what he really is,, a womanizer, and for Connie it's when she is helping with a party and finds herself turning into the speech and elocution teacher tells her "You remind me of myself at your age". The idea of turning into a boring spinster lights a fire under her and she goes and gets her man back!

I digress lol,, I love this movie,, I don't call it a "coming of age" movie,, I call it a slap in the face we all need at times. What was behind the Mona Lisa's smiles? Was she really smiling or was she grimacing from sitting for so long? Did she have secret thoughts? What was really on her mind?

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